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Font, Span, & Table Testing      -h1

This is using table_testing_v3.css      -h2

CSS allows multiple tables w/ own repeating patterns    -h3

Adopted methods appear in boxes -- sometimes! -h4

Using table layout rather than side menus -h5
maybe also want to test imagemaps -h6

No Header but portrait format -p

p class="note" format carried in home-pg_my-style.css

<p> will Always have a CR as it is a PARAGRAPH format.
For an inline font definition use <span >. Gotten from

This is a test of the new span call using span.nOMG, the new 1st ll works!
Using the bigger Mikadan font sz called w/ span.bIt still works, I'm gonna try a different font for 1st ll next.

Spans called from On-Page style section

display: inline

My understanding is that first-letter will not work with in-line span. Let's try it! Aliquam venenatis gravida nisl sit amet facilisis. Nullam cursus fermentum velit sed laoreet.

display: inline-block

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum consequat scelerisque elit sit amet consequat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam venenatis gravida nisl sit amet facilisis. Nullam cursus fermentum velit sed laoreet.

display: block

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum consequat scelerisque elit sit amet consequat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam venenatis gravida nisl sit amet facilisis. Nullam cursus fermentum velit sed laoreet.

This website was originally written by me in html and worked. People told me that it was very simple but crude. Then I had it reprogrammed into WordPress. To assist me with some parts, I hired a WordPress expert to help. He got the index page into WordPress but the rest of the site was still HTML linked into the WordPress. After spending too much $ and nothing was working, I just converted it all back into HTML.

This is Dalek PinPoint font, but I guess it's only upper case?
I got it from:

This is an author note

Table type white

coin pix width=220 coin comments width=360 historical comments width=340
mael {regular} Stack's: Anaheim, CA, 10 Aug 2016, lot# 20574
(ex-The Rye Collection)

pure white here
maelh {super-big} Stack's: Anaheim, CA, maelb (big) Stack's: Anaheim, CA, 10 Aug 2016, lot# 20574
(ex-The Rye Collection)
maels (small) Stack's: Anaheim, CA, 10 Aug 2016, lot# 20574
(ex-The Rye Collection)
maeldk (dark shadow) Stack's: Anaheim, CA, 10 Aug 2016, lot# 20574
(ex-The Rye Collection)
Position testing use of P

Peru testing use of P not font

Table type Grey

coin pix width=220 coin comments width=360 historical comments width=340
dalek {regular} Stack's: Anaheim, CA, 10 Aug 2016, lot# 20574
(ex-The Rye Collection)
dalek-h {super-big} Stack's: Anaheim, CA, dalek-b (big) Stack's: Anaheim, CA, 10 Aug 2016, lot# 20574
(ex-The Rye Collection)
mael-s (small) Stack's: Anaheim, CA, 10 Aug 2016, lot# 20574
(ex-The Rye Collection)
dalek-dk (dark shadow) Stack's: Anaheim, CA, 10 Aug 2016, lot# 20574
(ex-The Rye Collection)
dalek-n (dark shadow) Stack's: Anaheim, CA, 10 Aug 2016, lot# 20574
(ex-The Rye Collection)

Table type Colonial

coin pix width=220 coin comments width=360 historical comments width=340
S-2940; KM-239.2; N-2398; Brooker-860. h6

Stack's: Anaheim, CA, 10 Aug 2016, lot# 20574
(ex-The Rye Collection)
2 part Flexbox

3 part Flexbox
AB Nav- %
England, Oliver Cromwell (Karl Stephens ca. 1990)
AB Nav- fixed


AB Nav- working Technically this is not an English Civil War period issue.

Table type Republican

old Tetarchy pg
301 redirect posted misspelled page

Ancients_12_testing.html: Depreciated

JavaScript variables

page url:
path name:
base url:

04 works! 05 Div span 1st word 06 Divs: Span 1st word
Slideshow Colombian pg
Not working, unable to format bkgd to full size
Background CF

Backgrounds with CrossFade from SO by noob
Background CF rev

Backgrounds with CrossFade from SO by noob
try w/ z-index
Sound on Hover 4 link

Sound Index doesnt work Sound Index doesnt work
not implemented
Max-K nice contact form
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contact form with quiz
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